
© Baykedevries - Wandelen in het Drents-Friesewold

There are over 130 kilometres of walking paths in the Drents-Friese Wold, spread out over more than 30 marked walking routes. You will also find these routes on the walking map of the national park. You can buy this map at the visitor centres, TIP offices and various recreation agencies. Two nature trails feature information signs that will provide you with information about the natural features along the trail. The TIPs also sell maps with walking routes that provide information about the surroundings, including maps of the Berkenheuvel area.

If you’re staying for a somewhat longer period, you should also consider the Peter Nijhoff trail.

© Baykedevries - Fiets of Wandelpad door het Drents-Frieswold
© Sietze Kraak - Grenspoel_Drents-Friese_wold

Walking with the dog

Dogs are welcome in the Drents-Friese Wold National Park. The general rule is that dogs should be kept on a leash. Within the fencing of the Aekingerzand, dogs are not allowed at all from 1 March up to and including 15 August, on account of birds breeding on the ground. For hygienic reasons, on account of the swimmers there, dogs are also not allowed at the Canadameer swimming pond. Within the fencing of the Doldersummerveld, dogs are also not allowed on account of breeding birds on the ground. In order to satisfy the wishes of dog owners, Staatsbosbeheer has marked a trail for dog owners and their best friend along which dogs can walk off leash for the largest part. The ‘natte neuzenroute’ (‘wet noses route’) starts at the visitors centre in Appelscha and is 6.5 kilometres long. The trail takes you through the forest along winding footpaths and characteristic trees. In addition, there are off-leash areas. You may find more information on off-leash areas in the leaflet (pdf, 4.2 MB). North of the Canadameer, a new pond has been created. This pond is specially intended as a bathing pond for dogs and horses.


The signs along the edge of the forest display the rules concerning access to the area. These rules also apply to GPS hikers. Please respect nature and private property. Please respect the demarcated feeding areas and breeding grounds. Please do not climb over fences and do not trespass on private land.


This route is available for downlaod.